Sunday, April 06, 2014

Robert Littell

A Nasty Piece of Work

Robert Gailbrath

Cuckoo's Calling
The Silkworm

Erik Larson

Isaac's Storm

After the first 45 pages I started to enjoy reading this book. It tells about THE hurricane that destroyed Galveston at the turn of the last century, the development of modern meteorology, and the human tragedy and loss that occurred.

Rebecca Skloot

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

I'm just going to say it, I think that Henrietta Lacks and all other people whose tissues have made commercial contributions to science have been robbed. No else should be able to patent or own any part of an individuals body. Royalties would be a reasonable way to make payments to individuals and their heirs. Science is not a noble, altruistic, perfect god. It is used as an excuse for theft.

Dave Eggars

The Circle

I liked this book and I didn't like this book. I thought the world he created was little exaggerated and conspiracy theorist crazy, until I figured out that google+ decided to link all of my accounts on websites they had control of and make me more transparent with out my full consent. Who really wants the world to know what they have been watching on youtube? Now I am going to have to create a new separate online identity...